Traditional Bathroom Design

Traditional Small bathroom Design

Traditional bathroom designs can add tremendous elegance and resale value to a home. These tried-and-true familiar designs have lasted through the years because of their universal charm, so it's a good bet that a traditional bathroom design will appeal to a wide range of family members, guests and potential buyers.

Traditional doesn't have to mean boring—in fact, incorporating glamorous, vintage-inspired elements like dramatic, ornate mirror frames or tufted benches and ottomans can create a lively but classic design.

Using solid, sturdy materials in your traditional bathroom design will definitely help create a timeless feel. Whether it's employing a clawfoot tub in porcelain as a centerpiece, or using marble and metal for a sink stand, grounding your design in these classic materials will give you the best of bold design and traditional style.

Colors and patterns in traditional bathrooms run the gamut, but in general they tend to be more primary, and toward the dark and light ends of the spectrum. Bright or off-whites, grays and blacks can go a long way towards creating a classic feel in any bathroom design.

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Traditional Bathroom Design Ideas | Traditional Bathroom
Traditional Bathroom Design Ideas | Traditional Bathroom ...
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