Smart Design Kitchen Furniture

Design of kitchen furniture

Design will keep changing to suit the most current of trends, tastes and functionality needs of today’s buyers. The same can be evidently seen in mobile phones, PC keyboards, gaming consoles and even in mugs. These creative means to re-invent product designs as we know it are not lost in another important aspect of our daily life: home furniture. Granted some designs will look cooler and more comfortable than others, but pay extra attention to futuristic designs.

This is why I’d like to highlight some futuristic designs in furniture that could possible grace our homes in the not-so-distant future. For some lucky home and office owners, the future is already here. Here are 20 of the more awe-inspiring furniture designs found all over the Web.

Read Also: Cool Futuristic/Concept Gadgets That Really Inspire

Designed for Scholtes by renowned Iraqi-born architect Zaha Hadid this futuristic prototype design features a touchscreen control panel, heating membranes, sound activators, aromatic scent dispensers, LED lights along with a multimedia entertainment system that comes with a flat screen TV and your very own Apple mac mini which would complement any modern day home. If the Starship Enterprise had a kitchen, surely this would take centre stage! Beam me up Scotty!

Wasserbetten has taken design to new intergalactic heights and touched the rings of Saturn with this amazing bed using innovative technology, and incorporating a Yacht design. This bed would actually feel more at home in space than the bedroom. It contains built-in surround sound, therapeutic lighting, water bed sound and a water mattress to simulate the weightlessness of space.

Now all we need is an asteroid to accompany the Concoon bed… Maybe this 24-facet Innermost Asteroid indoor/outdoor Lamp designed by Koray Ozgen will do the trick. This unique space age lamp has 24 facets, giving it an asteroid look and the perfect one-of-a-kind lighting source for your home.

Created by Turkish designer Faith Can Sarioz whose inspiration may have come from the animated show, the Jetsons, this dining table features the innovative concept of a sphere which can be cloesd to save space. Open, this pod-like dining table blossoms like a flower and seats six. It houses a light at the centre with a glowing blue light at the base.

Designed by Edoardo Carlino, this bed is the ultimate sleeper’s dream! Shaped like a metallic box, this elegant and visually stunning sleeping pod is (ironically) a full-fledged multimedia entertainment system! It includes a reading lamp, a sound system, games consoles, a HD projector and blinds that enclose you. From the comfort of your bed, you can control everything including your beds movement.

Created by UStogether, this all-white bathroom furniture feature screams simplicity and incorporates an all-in-one design which includes a sink basin, bath tub and a shower.

This stylish futuristic sofa is hand crafted using stainless steel. Don’t you think that this couch resembles Superman’s space ship half cut?

Award winning designers David Koo and Zheng Yawei have come up with this revolutionary concept design. Using magnetic force the base will levitate a soft upper cushion. This physics-defying couch could be the perfect place to drift off into dreamland after a long day at work.

Modern Kitchen Furniture Design Design Ideas, Pictures
Modern Kitchen Furniture Design Design Ideas, Pictures ...
Kitchen Designs
Kitchen Designs
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