Design ideas. kitchen and

Kitchen and Breakfast Room Design Ideas

One defining feature of country-inspired spaces is that they typically have a bright, open, airy feel. For anyone who favors a neutral look, white is the obvious choice for the dominant color in the room. But warmer hues such as yellow or tan will also brighten up the space.

Additionally, bold colors can be incorporated into the space on a smaller scale. Use bright blues, oranges, greens and reds in accent pieces to give your kitchen more personality.

Get an Island

It’s often said that the kitchen is the heart of the home, and in no style of design does that feel more true than with rustic kitchens. Those looking to create an inviting space to cook feasts and entertain plenty of family and friends should consider adding a kitchen island.

No two islands are created alike. Before you settle on a final choice, consider whether your island should have extra storage, details such as a farmhouse sink or built-in butcher block, or multiple functions like a breakfast bar.

Organize Openly

With country-inspired spaces, the items used in the room are often visually incorporated into the design. Rather than hiding clutter away behind closed doors, as in more minimalist kitchens, in this school of style it’s often put on display.

Open shelving is one way to achieve this look. If the idea of constantly dusting plates and bowls seems like too much of a chore, display cabinets offer similar visual impact with some protection from the elements. Hanging pots and pans over the stove or above a kitchen island is also a great way to organize in style.

Work With Wood

When it comes to furniture for your country kitchen, wood is the obvious choice. However, rather than use pre-stained, mass-produced cabinetry and dining chairs that can be found just about anywhere, farmhouse kitchens often feature pieces with a little bit of personality.

There are several ways to go about sourcing these finds. Look for local artisans who hand-make their wares; scope out stores that sell unfinished pieces so you can add your own spin; scour vintage shops for furniture with a history; or, if possible, commission a one-of-a-kind piece to be made from reclaimed natural materials.

Embrace Eclectic

One of the details that sets rustic design apart from other styles is that the approach to decor is a little more flexible — and there’s often more of it. Feel free to amass a collection of various pieces that you love in order to create an eclectic design.

Consider items that feature chickens or roosters to drive home that country feel. Look for textiles with gingham or patchwork patterns for towels and tablecloths. Display family photos as a prominent part of the overall design.

Elegant Living Room Decor and Design - Ideas and Tips part 2
Elegant Living Room Decor and Design - Ideas and Tips part 2
kitchen dining room combo design ideas
kitchen dining room combo design ideas
Kitchen breakfast bar design ideas
Kitchen breakfast bar design ideas
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